Welcome to the Privacy & Vendor Policy Center! As a strong believer in transparency, I created this page so you can understand how I’m using your data (if any) and what online vendors I utilize, so you can make informed decisions.

Last updated 11-4-2021


I only collect the minimum of data necessary to see how much traffic from what territories are visiting which parts of my website, what types of visitors were here, and on what sorts of digital devices (i.e. phone, tablet, computer) they viewed my website with. I do not utilize cookies or other web tracking tools for any of the following purposes:

  • ad re-targeting

  • commercial market research

  • resale of visitor Personal Identifying Information for advertising or political purposes

The following information is collected when you visit my various web pages:

  • The IP address from which you accessed the page(s)

  • The type of browser and operating system you used

  • The date and time you accessed the site

  • Which page(s) you visited

  • The web addresses from which you followed a link to arrive on this site

  • Any demographics information shared from your browser, cookie history, or devices that access the website. This information is predominantly collected in the “resident survey” section of my website for the purpose of verifying statistical significance of survey responses without tying visitor’s identities directly to the responses.

As a visitor to this website, you are expected to adhere to all International, Federal, and State laws while using this website. You must additionally adhere to the terms of service for any vendor I utilize to power my site (found in my vendor list on this page below). By continuing to view this site, you agree to abide by these terms, and any terms of service indicated below with vendor services utilized on this website.


Some 3rd party vendors are used in aspects of my campaign and campaign website. Some vendors are non-profit, while others are for profit. These vendors have their own privacy policies regarding visitors to their websites and to their tools & features. I make efforts to screen vendors for:

  • Adherence to federal and international regulations

  • Non partisanship

  • Not currently in a dispute with their workforce

  • Not currently under investigation by the CFPB

  • Good data protection practices & reasonable terms of service

  • PCI compliance (for vendors that deal with donation payments)

  • Do not allow incitement in their terms of service

See a vendor on my list with a horrible labor, human rights, or regulations track record? Contact my campaign with the subject line “Vendor” and tell me about the vendor’s violations so I can review it.

Current vendors - last updated 11-4-2021

Squarespace (terms of service) (privacy policy)

Mailchimp (privacy & terms policies)

Apache Open Office (privacy policy) (terms)

Google suite of tools - google analytics, google docs, google forms, reCaptcha,(terms of service) (privacy policy) - a special note regarding Google:

Google has had some recent high profile issues with anti-labor conduct. I’m currently still exploring alternate tools, and working to minimize what campaign activities I conduct using them. I have decided not to spend any advertising dollars with their Ad Words, Analytics, nor Search platforms, nor pay for any premium features in their services. I am currently in the process of switching email platforms, but some campaign mail may still route through a gmail domain. Side note: if you’re looking for an alternative search engine, try Ecosia - every search query helps plant a tree!

Donor Box (terms of service) (privacy policy) - a special note regarding Donor Box:

It was very important to me that the donation platform that I utilized be non-partisan in nature. Among the vendors I explored, the Donor Box platform was the most non-partisan, not-for-profit, easiest integration, while also having the necessary tools for donor campaign finance reporting.

Stripe (privacy & terms)

Facebook (terms of service) (privacy policy) - a special note regarding Facebook:

As someone who has worked with online communities for over 23 years, I have been underwhelmed by Facebook’s track record for data stewardship, consumer privacy, and community management. Yet they hold a huge portion of the social media market share, making it difficult for brands to avoid creating a presence there. I have determined that while I will utilize the Facebook brand pages, I will not spend any campaign advertising dollars on their platform. Even if it would result in more reach for my campaign, I will not reward their lackluster data protection and irresponsible community management procedures with ad revenue from my campaign.

Instagram (terms of service) (privacy policy) - a special note regarding Instagram:

Instagram is owned by Facebook (or whatever they’re calling themselves to avoid brand damage these days), and therefor comes with all the same aforementioned caveats that Facebook has. And my same stance on not paying them ad revenue.

Standard Modern Company (privacy policy)
a special note regarding Standard Modern Company:

I specifically chose SMC because they are a Union shop, WBENC certified, and are very vocal about their efforts to be more green in the printing industry. They also do due diligence on the protection of customer information.


In some cases, you may provide personal information online in the process of the following activities:

  • Signing up to volunteer

  • Sending in donations (State and Federal law requires that these can’t be anonymous)

  • Filling out surveys

  • Joining my mailing list

This information is collected for the following reasons:

  • To comply with Federal and State campaign finance laws if you are giving donations of any type

  • To send you “electioneering material” (aka voting day reminders, requested yard signs, requested flyers for friends, campaign updates, things of this nature)

  • To coordinate your volunteer activities for the campaign

What this information will NOT be used for:

  • I will not resell to advertisers. I do not willingly sell my data to 3rd party commercial companies, and any vendor who does so is not doing it with my affirmed consent. I make every effort to retain the data with my campaign, to turn off any features a vendor has that might pass the data to advertisers, and to decline services that attempt to do this.

  • I will not resell or redistribute to other political campaigns, political parties, civics organizations, or non-profits. Nope, sorry folks, my supporters and constituents have entrusted me with their information, and I will therefor not be passing it around willy nilly. I will gladly ask for people to follow causes or candidates whose values are in line with the public good. But I will not hand off my lists to a 3rd party without the permission of each person who exists on that list, whether it is an email list, a phone list, or any list that is not a public record. I will not provide personal identifying information unless it is required by law (so I reduce the possibility by collecting as little personal information from you as I can).

    I may at times make some data available to the town government or its committees, but I will always specify this before you participate, such as a survey. Example: I may provide the town with the results of a resident survey and demographics information of those who visited the survey, but I will not provide demographics information from pages that aren’t directly associated with the survey that did not contain a consent check box.

  • I will avoid spamming you. It doesn’t help me get your vote to inundate you with so much outreach that you get sick of me! My campaign will make a conscious effort to keep our contact with you to a reasonable rate. (Seriously, I love civics, but even for me: nobody needs 10 text alerts in one night about an election race. Slow your roll robo callers).