Reminder: There are not one but TWO seats open for the Board of Selectmen for this Annual Town Election!
— Amanda Grow

New Voter? No problem!

How do I vote for Amanda

The Steps to vote for Amanda:

  1. Be a registered voter! Not sure if you are? You can check with the Secretary’s website by clicking here!

    Tips: Because of my work with Representative Rogers and Senator Rush, we have automatic voter registration. That means if you’ve interacted with certain State agencies, you may already be registered to vote! Also, never presume that your records are up to date. Our Clerks do a great job, but life happens, so always verify that your status is still active (the last day to make any updates or changes ahead of the election is Tuesday 3/15/2022 in order to qualify for the April 4th election). You can verify if you’re registered on the Secretary’s website by clicking here!

  2. Find your polling location for “no-contact” voting! The Town has updated your normal polling location with equipment and procedures to make in person voting as safe as it can be for anyone who can’t vote absentee.

    • Don’t know where your polling place is? The Secretary’s website can tell you that too. Click here! Find the location on a map ahead of time so you know how to get there.

  3. OR Request an Absentee ballot! You can print the form (or request one from the Town Clerk’s office to be mailed to you if you don’t have access to a printer). NOTE: Be sure to send your request ahead of time to give the Clerks enough time to process your request!

    For Absentee voting, fill out the form to apply for your absentee ballot and send it back to the Clerk’s office by one of the following methods:

    • Email ( - Note: you must scan a copy of the completed absentee request form document and attach it to your email; simply typing a message to the Clerk is not sufficient to apply.

    • Fax (781-278-3018)

    • Mail (Town clerk's Office P.O. Box 40 Norwood, MA 02062)

    • You can also go directly to the Town Hall in person to obtain and cast your absentee ballot.

    • Reminder: Submitting the application form is not your actual ballot, it is just the request to get your absentee ballot!

  4. Save the date, set a reminder! The Annual Town Election will be held on Monday, April 4th, 2022!

    Note: the polls will be opening at a later time than usual, so voting will not begin until noon. If you won’t be in town to vote in the afternoon or evening, you should request an absentee ballot so you won’t miss out just because you weren’t in town in the morning! And given how the pandemic is going … keep an eye on case counts and if they look like they’re climbing, you might want to just vote absentee anyway to ensure that you won’t get stuck sick on election day not having gotten to vote!!

    I like to set a reminder for myself the night before any deadlines so that I don’t forget. Studies say that if you think of the steps you’ll take to go and do your voting, you’re more likely to do it!

  5. If you’re voting in person: Check in with the poll workers, get your ballot, and let the voting begin! Once you’re done, don’t forget to check out too (so many people forget this step).

  6. Now it’s time to vote for Amanda! Find my name on the ballot and fully fill in the oval beside my name to vote for me. If you’re voting in person, don’t forget to check out with the poll workers before you cast your ballot into the box!

    NOTE: You can follow the latest Covid-19 related advisories on the official Town website for Covid-19 updates by clicking here.

Some frequently asked questions…

What’s a “Selectman”?

Short version: think of it like a Board of Directors, except for your Town instead of for a Company. They’re the Executive arm of town government, and they provide oversight for many important functions.

How long do you serve?

Selectmen serve for 3 year terms. It’s a voluntary part time role that provides oversight and approvals. They meet formally as a Board at least once per week, serve in the Town Meeting, but also attend many other meetings and Town functions. Norwood’s a busy place, there’s lots to do and to know about!

Why are you running?

For the best reason of all: by the popular demand of Norwood residents! You can get to know more over on my Qualifications page, my campaign blog, and my election FAQ page. There is a LOT going on in the town, and many decisions will be made that will impact Norwood residents for years - if not generations - to come. Above all else, I hope that my campaigning continues to inspire Norwood residents to get involved in our community, to run and apply for Town offices, and to think about ways we each can directly contribute to Norwood’s bright future.

What’s your political party?

None. I am not enrolled with a party. I’ll work with anyone who seeks the public good. I do serve as an elected Vice President for the Norwood LWV, but have recused myself from any Candidate’s Night planning, Voter Service Committee meetings, Board votes involving the Special Election, or LWV social/web duties related to it. The only LWV function I will serve during this election is duties that don’t create conflicts of interest for the election. The bylaws of the LWV state that only certain roles are restricted from running for and holding a major public office. So any member, Board member, or the Vice President may run for a major role in town government.

What’s something long term that you’d focus on as a Selectman?

The Board of Selectmen double as our Light Commissioners. Our Town owns and operates an Electric and Internet Utility Company, and I am VERY passionate about that (no really, if you haven’t had the chance and you want to learn more about the energy grid, check out my latest blog posts). It’s something that I feel we don’t harness to its full potential. I’ve spent years studying energy infrastructure and regulations. My career in online products gives me a great literacy in topics like cyber security and how people are using online services. These things will make me an invaluable asset on the Board of Selectmen. We frequently tend to get a lot of Board of Selectmen talent with a financial background (which I also have from my work as a business manager with my company), but I’d like to see us expand our Selectmen’s skill set into more highly technical areas, because these are things that will be critical and can greatly impact residents. I will be fully and joyfully engaged with high tech, complex, and fast changing concerns that the Selectmen will be faced with. I want to ensure that we’re providing the best and most equitable service to residents, that we’re on track to meet our Sustainability goals, and that we’re always thinking of new ways we can innovate and protect residents who spend time online.